All are welcome, if you are interested in volunteering please contact us
The Upper Moreland Music Patrons (UMMP) are a registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to financially and morally supporting the music programs in the Upper Moreland School District. The UMMP works closely with our music directors to coordinate numerous events and fundraisers to help maintain a vibrant, diverse music program throughout the district.
The Music Patrons Association of Upper Moreland consists primarily of parents and friends of students participating in the music programs in the high school , middle school and intermediate and Primary Schools. Membership in the association is open to everyone interested in furthering the music program in Upper Moreland. In addition to encouraging and assisting the music programs within the school system, the organization oversees and assumes responsibility for raising funds for a variety of projects in the music departments. You may become a voting member by attending and of the scheduled meetings listed below. The organization supports students by helping to plan activities and by attending, volunteering and chaperoning various events. Money needs to be raised since the school district funds are not sufficient to cover the costs of our entire music program. In addition, the Music Patrons, a non-profit organization, also provide three scholarships to graduating seniors interested in pursuing their studies in music beyond the high school level. There is one available for a member of band, orchestra and chorus.
Please consider investing some time becoming a parent volunteer, every minute of your time makes a difference. You do not need to chair a committee, or be an officer. There are always openings for Chaperones, Equipment Handlers (Known as Grunts), working a snack table, helping with a fund raiser. It is a very rewarding experience, and time well spent . The Music Staff in Upper Moreland is second to none, and we in the UMMP are proud to serve them in any way possible.
Executive Officers
Please feel free to email any of us at any time with questions, comments or suggestions.
Revised and Adopted Jul 18, 2023
Bylaws of the Upper Moreland Music Patrons
Please feel free to download the By-Laws of the UMMP in PDF format. This is the governing document that provides direction for the Upper Moreland Music Patrons Association, Inc. (UMMP).
The purpose of the Association shall be to encourage and support the aims of the Upper Moreland School District Music Programs; specifically to develop and improve the capabilities of the students and to aid in providing an educational experience for those students.